When to Test website adds new features: Guidance for K-12 and businesses



It can be an enormous challenge for schools and businesses to determine how to establish an effective COVID-19 testing program, particularly with the multiple testing options now on the market. An innovative online tool funded by NIBIB helps organizations choose a COVID-19 testing strategy that will work best for their specific needs.

With support from  the NIH RADx℠ Tech program, our partners at CIMIT and MIT IDSS, launched whentotest.org, a new website to support organizations in mitigating the risk of COVID-19. The website launched with an online calculator showing users how different approaches to testing, along with mitigation measures such as mask-wearing and contact tracing, can be deployed to help them open safely and cost-effectively.

Since launch, two new resources and additional calculator functionality have been added to further expand support to organizations. The resources include the K-12 Playbook, designed to help school administrators reduce the COVID-19 risk within schools, and a detailed Implementation Guide to assist organizations in creating  diagnostic testing programs at their facilities.

With these added features, organizations now have a comprehensive set of resources to help them develop their COVID-19 testing and risk mitigation strategies. Further enhancements are planned for When to Test over the next several weeks to provide even more support in helping organizations stay safe.  

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